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The Ultimate Lowdown on Interior Design Cost in Kolkata

The Ultimate Lowdown on Interior Design Cost in Kolkata

DydSpace- Interior desgn cost


Getting professional home interior designing services is something we consider these days as it is in trend. However, we are also concerned about the interior design cost. After all, we all have a fixed budget.

With many DIY guides available online, many people may think that they can quickly measure the interior design cost in Kolkata. But this is not always true. Hence, we did the homework for you to reduce your doubts regarding interior design rates. Moreover, it helps you prepare your negotiations with designers.

Range of Work

Although some interior designing companies take up the designing task, some help you choose the decor and furnishing goods. If you want a seamless experience, look for a designer who can guide the whole task from the arrangement of decor and furnishing, wardrobes for bedrooms, and carpentry work for the kitchen along with installation.

For any construction requirement, check the whole extent. Flooring, false ceiling, and painting are also parts of home interior designing services. Hence, the price list of interior design varies depending on all these services and tasks.

How to Calculate Interior Design Cost in Kolkata

If you believe that designers in Kolkata generally take a round-figure amount for a service, that’s not always the case. You can calculate the interior design cost depending on many factors:

Addition in Product Price: It implies the designer will charge an addition on every item you purchase. For example, if a sofa costs around INR 20,000, the designer may increase it to INR 22,000 while charging it to the project. The premium is not the same for every project.

Per Sqft: Depending on your home area, the designer charges a specific amount. And this can increase if it includes carpentry like wardrobes, modular kitchen, ceiling, flooring, etc. It would help if you discussed with the designer what it incorporates as some designers only provide woodwork while some exclude soft furnishings like blinds, curtains, and more.

Percentage of the Entire Cost: Designers estimate the entire project cost, including products and services. Depending on the overall cost, they charge almost 6-10% as a design cost. It can increase up to 20% depending on their expertise and design level.

A Round Figure Amount: It depends on the designer’s concern on how much he wants to charge for a specific project. It may depend on the commission, percentage, per sqft, or a mixture of two or more categories.

Are There Any Extra Charges?

Since interior design is a lengthy process, it involves several iterations and visits. However, not everybody offers multiple options. Here are some interior design costs you may need to experience:

  • Iteration Fees
  • Site Visit Charges
  • Site Supervision Fees
  • Design-Only Charges

DydSpace - Modular Kitchen cost in Kolkata

DydSpace Pricing

We believe in maintaining transparency; hence, there is no hidden interior design cost. The ultimate charges you pay at DydSpace incorporate everything – products and furnishing, design and handling charges, service charges, taxes, and delivery and installation. Contact us today for more details about our pricing!

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